HR & Payroll

HR and Payroll at WZ Partners is a modern HR service using the best tools and practices.

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Our services provided in the HR & Payroll model, i.e., HR and Payroll services, are addressed to clients looking for comprehensive HR and Payroll services for their businesses in the form of outsourcing. By combining HR & Payroll services with the accounting services we offer, our clients receive a complete package of solutions and professional care over the financial and payroll areas of their businesses.

The HR & Payroll service combines activities related to the calculation of salaries and management of the employee hiring process. Payroll includes activities related to the monthly calculation of payrolls and related tasks, such as: billing benefits, allowances, absences and leaves.  In addition, we calculate public law liabilities and report them to relevant offices:  Social Insurance Institution, Tax Office, Central Statistical Office, State Fund of Rehabilitation of Handicapped People and financial institutions servicing Employee Capital Plans.

As part of the payroll service, members of our HR & Payroll team are responsible for contacting accounting departments, providing them with data necessary for payroll posting in accordance with agreed standards and procedures. In addition, we are responsible for issues related to salary payments and payments of taxes, insurance contributions and employee capital plans, by preparing for our clients, depending on their requirements: payment data statements, ready-made payment files to be imported into online banking or by entering payment details directly to online banking.

In addition, the HR and payroll services in the HR & Payroll model mean comprehensive support in all employment-related inspections, including those performed both by the Social Insurance Institution and the National Labor Inspectorate.

HR services

In the HR part of the HR & Payroll service model we deal with all matters related to documenting the employment of our clients’ employees. We design and prepare employment contracts (including individual solutions dedicated to the specific requirements of our clients), scopes of duties, non-competition agreements, job descriptions, mandate and specific-work contracts. We also prepare documentation reflecting any changes in the employment relationship: agreements, terminations and documents related to the broadly understood work discipline. We control the validity of medical examinations and certificates.  We create and maintain personal files related to the course of work, both in traditional paper form and in electronic form, in accordance with the highest security standards.

In addition to documenting employment record of individual employees, as part of HR support, we also assist our clients in the implementation of internal regulations, including by creating work regulations, remuneration regulations, regulations related to the use of company cars and other necessary instructions and internal regulations related to HR and Payroll services.

Selected HR and Payroll services

  • preparing monthly payrolls,
  • preparing and submitting application documents and settlement declarations to the Social Insurance Institution,
  • reporting to the Tax Office,
  • preparing reports for the Central Statistical Office on employment and remuneration of employees based on the data possessed,
  • reporting to the State Fund of Rehabilitation of Handicapped People (PFRON),
  • informing about tax and contribution payables,
  • drawing up annual statements of advance personal income tax payments,
  • maintaining personal files,
  • preparing contracts related to employment based on the Labor Code and Civil Code,
  • preparing certificates of employment,
  • preparing earnings statements,
  • making complete records in the HR and Payroll system,
  • preparing HR & Payroll reports and statements.

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    Wybierz zagadnienie, którego dotyczy Twoja wiadomość:

    Comarch HRM platform

    As part of our payroll services, we offer our clients and their teams access to the Comarch HRM platform, which is a tool for managing and communicating with employees.

    At WZ Partners, we prioritize the most effective forms of communication with clients and the exchange and transfer of data, because we believe that the less time our clients spend on preparing and sending data necessary for their settlements, the more time they can spend on tasks that are key for their business development. The Comarch HRM platform that we as WZ Partners make available to our clients is one of the tools that help us achieve this goal.

    In the HR & Payroll service model, the Comarch HRM application serves as a comprehensive communication and team management tool. It helps eliminate paper documentation flow between the HR department and employees. We significantly improve processes in such areas as, for example, reporting absences, working time or settling business trips.

    We encourage you to view all the functionalities of Comarch HRM by using a demo version available here.

    Comarch HRM – HR & payroll

    • individual employee accounts,
    • access to the application from the website or a mobile app,
    • recording working time,
    • reporting absences and applications for leave,
    • a business trips module,
    • a list of employees with their qualifications and an employee assessment module,
    • communication with employees via intranet,
    • sending documents related to the calculation of employees’ salaries to individual user accounts: PIT returns, pay slips, earnings statements with an electronic signature,
    • direct data integration with the remuneration calculation program: Comarch ERP Optima.
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    Offices in Warsaw and Poznań

    If you want to personally discuss our offer for HR and Payroll services or want to see in person how the applications and solutions we offer work – visit our offices in Warsaw or Poznań.  We invite you to meet our specialists and if you prefer remote contact – please see the “contact” tab  and contact us by phone, e-mail or via the contact form.